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Catalyst Research and Development
Catalyst Research and Development
Facilitating positive, sustainable change WITH people
Facilitating positive, sustainable change WITH people
Clients & Funding Partners
- Federal Government - Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Grand Challenges Canada (GCC)
- Provincial / Territorial Governments - Ministries of Health Services, Children Services / Children & Families,
- Municipal -
- Indigenous / Traditional
- Research-funding organizations
- Professional associations - Physicians, Nurses, Lawyers
- NGOs, Not-for-profits, social enterprises -local, regional, national.
- Post-secondary institutions - universities and colleges
- Communities - urban, rural, remote, indigenous
Health Services - including prevention & health promotion, acute and emergency care, maternal and child, longterm and seniors' care
- Human Services - including early childhood development, youth health and development, mental health & addictions, family development, violence prevention and care
- Education - Grade school, Advanced Education, e/m-Learning
- Training - professionals (pre-service and in-service), volunteers and lay leaders
- Across the lifespan - Early Childhood to Seniors & very elderly
- Development Planning
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